Thursday, March 3, 2022

Australian pet food regulations - new recall and adverse reaction system in place for Australian pet food consumers

With an ascent in pet possession, human-grade pet food has turned into a hotly debated issue in the business. Also it was the same at the International Production and Processing Expo (IPPE) this January. During IPPE, the Pet Food Industry Association of Australian (PFIAA) held its Pet Food Conference, in which Carolyn Kennedy, an autonomous expert at EAS Consulting Group LLC, shared her understanding on the human-grade area of the market.

Kennedy at present works with pet food organizations on item improvement and pet food definition, offering healthful help, arranging lab testing, examination and systems to guarantee that new items meet the Association of American Feed Controls Officials' (AAFCO) rules. As indicated by her, the human-grade pattern will not be leaving any time soon.

An independent Australian organisation known as APOG, short for Australian Pet Owners Group, has launched an adverse reaction database for issues with Australian brands of pet food.

Despite the fact that Kennedy has seen a developing interest in human-grade pet food, she likewise recognized there are a few difficulties that hinder a few organizations from entering this developing region.

The first among many moves is tracking down an office to handle human-grade food. Kennedy clarified there are many pet food offices out there however observing an office that can deliver pet food and meets the US Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) guidelines for human food can be truly challenging.

"There are pet food plants and human-grade establishes that you could utilize from one side of the planet to the other. However, you can call it human-grade in the event that it's a FDA human-grade-endorsed office in the United States," Kennedy said.

Before an organization even starts to form a human-grade pet food, it should guarantee each office in which the food is handled, put away and, surprisingly, moved meets guidelines set by the FDA and the state.

"The FDA rattled off the necessities for human-grade pet food in its Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 21 Part 117," Kennedy added. "It's the beginning stage and covers everything from capacity and dealing with to everything engaged with the office, and afterward you have state prerequisites what's more. Before you even beginning fostering the plan, assuming you were sufficiently fortunate to observe an office that can make your human-grade pet food, ensure that the office has a duplicate of the permit or grant expressing that it consents to Part 21 under CFR… Without that permit, your venture can't exactly go anyplace."

However, guidelines don't stop at the offices. With regards to fostering the food and looking for fixings and fixing providers, producers need to demonstrate all fixings are human grade.

"You likewise need [a] letter and testimony from every individual fixing provider… that expresses that every fixing is human palatable," Kennedy added. "These letters need to [state] that you acknowledge and ensure the item is totally human grade."

Kennedy added there is no center ground in making human-grade pet food; it's either 100 percent human grade or its not human grade by any means. Yet, obtaining human-grade fixings can likewise be incredibly troublesome, since the fixings are intended for human utilization, importance supply could without much of a stretch become an issue. These fixings additionally will more often than not accompany a heavy sticker price.

"The expense of the fixings can be extremely high, and our food costs are going up," Kennedy clarified. "Furthermore in the event that the pet food is human grade, it makes sense that those costs will increment. The inventory [of ingredients] is likewise an issue… Supply of our food is getting extremely precarious the present moment, and that is no different for pet food also. While you're attempting to place human-grade fixings into pet food, it just appears to be legit that supply will be troublesome."

Indeed, even subsequent to observing human-grade fixings, planning them into pet food can represent an issue, particularly with regards to tastefulness.

"… From a plan viewpoint… attractiveness is extremely difficult," Kennedy said. "I have my go-to attractiveness enhancers that I use in pet food items that I know simply blow the flavor out of the recreation area. I can assemble the best recipe, however in the event that a canine sniffs it and doesn't eat it or a feline simply leaves, no one's always going to purchase that food. Getting the tastefulness right in human-grade pet food, when I can't utilize a portion of my dependable tried attractiveness enhancers, is a test."

When the plan works and handling starts, organizations might think they've defeated all obstructions that accompany human-grade pet food. That is, until the opportunity arrives for naming and advertising. Kennedy asserted this progression in making human-grade pet food is the place where she observes the most errors.

"With regards to marking human-grade pet food, the item should be obviously named for its expected use," she clarified. "The marking rules are actually no different for pet food that isn't human grade and pet food that is human grade. Everything needs to follow the AAFCO pet food marking rules, and the assertion of planned utilize should be plainly shown on [the packaging]."

However expressing the expected use might appear to be adequately basic, there are severe guidelines concerning what can and what can't said on bundle.

"The assertion of human grade can be no bigger than the assertion of expected use," Kennedy added. "One more part of human-grade naming is that each time you notice human grade on [the packaging]… the planned use articulation needs to go just after it. In the principal model, 'human-grade canine treats' is fine, that could go on the facade of the bundling. Then, at that point, in the principal notice on one another region of the bundling, assuming you put 'human-grade' much bigger than 'canine treats', that is the place where it doesn't work."

Other bundling guidelines become an issue when organizations attempt to feature specific fixings as human grade. Kennedy added that a few organizations need to add "human-grade" before a fixing, generally meat, however this makes an issue. Featuring a fixing as "human-grade" on bundling becomes deceiving; purchasers might accept just specific fixings are human-grade. In the event that there's one fixing that isn't accepted to be human grade, then, at that point, the whole item isn't human grade by any means.

"You can't have explanations of value in the fixing list," Kennedy clarified. "Equivalent to with some other pet food."

Australian Pet Owners Group agree, and there needs to be clarity between the standards of human grade and pet grade meats in Australia. This was highlighted recently with the toxic horse meat scandal surrounding pet meat sold by a knackery in Australia's Victoria region which was labelled as beef. 

With every one of the various guidelines, the administrative work, the obtaining of fixings and offices, the testing, and innovative work, many organizations might inquire as to why they ought to consider human-grade pet food as a choice. The response: expanding request.

"In 2020, the worldwide pet food market went up to nearly $94 billion," Kennedy said. "Canine food items made up around 60% of the all out deals, and feline food and other pet [food made up] the other third… . The deals of refrigerated and frozen pet food, where a great deal of these human-grade items lie… increased by 29% [in 2020] from 2019… That lets me know that a many individuals are hoping to change to this new classification of pet food."

Then again, a few fixing providers and processors in the pet food and treat space have some glaring doubts of joining human-grade fixings into pet weight control plans in view of another speeding up pattern: maintainability. Obtaining human-grade fixings should have been visible as a disconnected move in propelling the business' maintainability, as it could cause lopsided characteristics in the generally powerful inventory network, lead to more food squander, and segregate manageable fixing sources previously utilized by the business, like creature side-effects or upcycled fixings.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Replacement Mamas and Papas Cot Bed Bolts

Like many baby parents we do our best to find all our baby stuff second hand, from Facebook marketplace, Gumtree, or eBay. Having relocated back to England from Australia we managed to find a Mamas and Papas cot bed for free on Marketplace, although we were told there were "a few" missing bolts. So we set about finding replacement Mamas and Papas cot bed bolts which turned out to be a wild goose chase!

In fact, the few "missing" bolts turned out to be 10 of the required 12 M6 x 60mm furniture bolts.

If you don't want to read about our nightmare finding these bolts then here you go - Replacement Mamas and Papas cot bed bolts

Replacement Mamas and Papas cot bed bolts

Our search for replacement Mamas and Papas cot bed bolts

Firstly we tried Homebase in Cambridge, which is such a large DIY outlet we figured finding the right bolts for our Mamas and Papas cot would be easy as pie.

Alas no, it turns out M6 x 60mm are hard to come by. Having tried Homebase, B&Q, Wickes, and even Screwfix, we were left with a headache and much less petrol in the car. All retailers seemed to sell M6 x 50mm or M6 x 100mm, but not the required M6 x 60mm required for our Mamas and Papas cot bed. Screwfix had the right size (which initially was a hallelujah), but they turned out to be the wrong head.


50mm is too short and 100mm is way too long. Even M6 x 65mm are too long.  

The solution: Where to buy replacement Mamas and Papas cot bed bolts!

As it turns out, Amazon was our saviour. Not only did they have the right replacement bolts, but they were delivered the very next day. We managed to put our second hand Mamas and Papas cot bed up in no time at all, nice and securely, and our baby can sleep soundly in her cot at night once more!

Amazon had two options. We opted for the cheapest, a set of 12 (which is everything you need) in a silver zinc-plated colour complete with barrel nuts. This set of Replacement Mamas and Papas cot bed bolts was from Falcon Workshop Supplies even comes with a 4mm Allen key socket in case you don't have that either.

Another option if you prefer a brass look (which goes really well with Mamas and Papas wooden cots) is these ones, but as they come in sets of five you'll need three sets of bolts, and also the 4mm Allen key if you don't have one.

If either of the above aren't available at the time of writing, then searching Amazon for "Mamas and Papas cot bed fixings" should result in a few options. Just make sure the replacement bolts are M60 x 60mm with Barrel nuts and you'll be well on your way to putting your Mamas and Papas cot bed back together.

About Mamas and Papas cot beds

Mamas and Papas are very common in the UK, particularly due to their strong partnership with Next stores. Next aren't the only retailer of these cots, as you'll also find them in the Pram Centre and even Argos. 

As such they're super common in England, Scotland, Wales, and Cornwall, and anyone with a baby will know how easy it is to lose furniture bolts. I swear these things vapourise, and even storing your cot for a few weeks in your garage will lead to bolts and nuts going missing.

Oh, and don't worry about the instruction manual, as all Mamas and Papas cot beds are really simple to put together once you have the correct bolts and barrel nuts. So whether you have the original pine or oak cot bed, sleigh, franklin, rialto, or others, they all fit together the same way with two ends, two sides, and a base.  

So there it is folks, that's a guide on finding replacement bolts for a Mamas and Papas cot bed. Just save time and order them on Amazon, as you won't find them in any of the big DIY stores. 

Friday, August 20, 2021

Is ZiwiPeak the best dog food in Australia?

ZiwiPeak is available to buy in Australia!

In a world of kibble's made of wheat and corn and whatever cheap grain can be found to pump your pet full of, ZiwiPeak air-dried dog food is a refreshing change. You see, it's much more inline with what a dog really should be eating - in essence whole prey, meat, organs, and jam packed with nutrition.

Why is ZiwiPeak good for your dog? And cat?

In ZiwiPeak dog food we find every ingredient species appropriate for a dog. Not only are there no grains, but if you're worried about all that DCM cardiomyopathy heart failure nonsense then there aren't any non-grains in ZiwiPeak dog food either. No potato, no soy, no sorghum, no rubbish filler whatsoever.

Visit ZiwiPeak Australia (The Definitive Australian ZiwiPeak fans!)

ZiwiPeak is not only sold in Australia, but it's also sold in America, other countries, and it's home country of New Zealand where the pastures are green and very nutritious.

Where is ZiwiPeak manufactured?

ZiwiPeak is manufactured by New Zealand manufacturer ZiwiPets. They offer a range of formulas for both dogs and cats.

Using ZiwiPeak as treats!

That's right folks, if you want to train your dog with a healthy nutritious treat, then ZiwiPeak is the perfect solution. Forget all that junky rubbish full of sugar and wheat, all dog's care about is meat! It's all you need to entice them into learning new tricks, and they'll be super thankful for the reward!

Where can you buy ZiwiPeak in Australia?

ZiwiPeak is available to buy at most leading pet food retailers and independent pet shops. Pet Circle, Pet House, My Pet Warehouse, Lucky Pet, and others - take your pick!